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About Us

Sharp Things OKC brick and mortar shop is a place where you can come actually put your hands on items, ask questions, talk shop and find every thing from your daily carry to high-end custom pieces. We also have all types of personal defense gear like pepper spray, batons, kubotans, cat ears, loaded canes and much more!  We carry a nice selection of crossbows starting at just $25 for our crossbow pistol and move up to high-quality crossbows that shoot 400/fps+. Don't forget about our throwing stars, throwing knives & axes and fantasy swords / battle axes. Sharp Things OKC also offers a nice atmosphere for all ages and some lounging areas if you would like to just sit down and watch some music videos on one of our 12 TV.

www.SharpThingsOKC.com offers you a wide variety of product as well. Everything we carry in store, we have online for your shopping convenience. All orders received by 3pm will go out the same day. Sharp Things OKC is also dedicated to bring you, the customer, a robust online experience.

Sharp Things OKC started this journey with a desire to bring the OKC metro higher end bladed objects that you don’t find in the big box retail chains. So far we have done just that and we will keep our laser-like focus to continue to do so.

With both, a brick and mortar store and our online presence, we strive to bring great products at a great value as well as excellent customer service both in store and nationwide.

Brick and Mortar:
We believe in face-to-face customer service as well as having a tangible product you can hold, open and feel. That paired with immediate & reliable knowledge from one of our knife aficionados is a value you just cannot get online.

Online Store:
We understand the fact that not every location in the nation is going to have a knife shop that stocks the items you may be looking for. Therefore we will bring it to your front door via our website with fast shipping and competitive pricing.

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