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Layaway Terms & Conditions

Layaway is available for most products over $150. Layaway can be implemented on eligible items with a 40% down payment plus an Admin Fee, see below for details. The remaining balance of 60% will be due within 60 days of layaway initiation, see below for Terms, Frequency of Payments Required & Required Payment Amount.


Layaway Terms:
40% + fee(s) Down Payment | 30% Payment | 30% Payment

Once layaway on an eligible item has been initiated, a payment of 40% plus the admin fee will be collected at checkout. Buyer will then have 60 days to complete layaway payoff. A payment of no less than 30% of original price must be made within 30 days of initiation of layaway then the remaining balance of 30% must be paid within the next consecutive 30 days. Example: Item XYZ costs $150. Layaway down payment is $60 plus admin and/or shipping fee (if not eligible for free shipping, click here for details). Layaway Down Payment (plus any fee(s) is made at checkout on April 1st. The next payment of 30% ($45) is due within 30 days (April 30th) and the following payoff payment ($45) is due within the next consecutive 30 days (May 30th). Layaway may be paid off sooner with no penalty. Please note Admin Fee is not refundable.


Admin Fee:
The Admin Fee is 5% of total cost of each eligible layaway item but will not exceed $25 per item. The Admin Fee is taken on layaway because of the additional organization costs, storage costs, additional packaging/labeling costs and other clerical costs. The Admin Fee is not refundable.


Buyers Breach of Layaway Agreement:
In the event a buyer cannot complete Layaway Agreement terms for any reason, and Sharp Things OKC does not agree to continue with Layaway Agreement, the buyer will incur no less than a $25 and up to a 20% per item forfeiture fee assessed on the sole discretion of Sharp Things OKC. The remaining balance less the Admin Fee will be returned to buyer, from the seller, within 7 days. Non payment, late payment or failure to comply with any part of the Layaway Agreement constitutes a breach of Layaway Agreement. Sharp Things OKC has the sole right to cancel the layaway, return the product to inventory and or sell the product. Also, if buyer defaults on Layaway Agreement Sharp Things OKC will:

    1. Give buyer notice of intent to cancel the Layaway Agreement
    2. Allow buyer at least 7 days to rectify the breach (if applicable)
    3. Specify, to the buyer, the breach of the Layaway Agreement
    4. Offer all payment details including eligible and ineligible payment/fees to be refunded


Sellers Breach of Layaway Agreement:
Sharp Things OKC will strive to make the Layaway Agreement process a trusted and robust agreement for the buyer. In the unlikely event the layaway item is lost, destroyed, or not available for any reason, Sharp Things OKC will not be held accountable. However, a full refund including all eligible fees will be issued to buyer within 7 days.


Limitations to Layaway:
Some limited quantity items and items on sale or discounted items or items under $150 are not eligible for layaway. If an item that typically is not eligible for layaway mistakenly gets processed for layaway, Sharp Things OKC reserves the right to dissolve the Layaway Agreement, return the item to inventory and refund the buyer in full with no penalty fee(s). Sharp Things OKC will offer original buyer that initiated the Layaway Agreement the first right of refusal. In the event the original buyer refuses purchase, item will become active in inventory and for sale.


Layaway and Shipping:
Layaway item(s) that do not include free shipping will be addressed at the time of Down Payment on the checkout page. The item will automatically calculate the shipping charge and will be paid for during the checkout process for the Down Payment. In the event of breach of layaway, the shipping charge is eligible for refund but only at the sole discretion of Sharp Things OKC.


Return of Layaway Item(s):
If a buyer needs to return a layaway item because of a manufacturer defect Sharp Things OKC will allow return and will replace with same or mutually agreeable product. Buyer will pay any increase of cost or Sharp Things OKC will issue partial refund as applicable. Please note some items are rare and it may take up to 90 days to replace. In the event it takes over 90 days, Sharp Things OKC will refund in full (less applicable fees) the item dollar amount.


Returns other than manufacturers defect buyer will incur:

    1. 20% restocking fee
    2. No refund on processing / hold fee
    3. No refund on shipping
    4. Buyer must pay for shipping of returned item
    5. Buyer must provide “Signature Required” tracking information to seller
    6. Sharp Things OKC is not liable for lost parcels and will not be responsible for refund if item cannot be verified as received by Sharp Things OKC


Cancellation Charge:
Sharp Things OKC shall charge buyer a minimum of $25 and up to 20% of the item associated with the Layaway Agreement.


Banking Chargeback Fees:
Sharp Things OKC shall be entitled to pass on to the buyer all chargeback fees received by any given bank for any given customer chargeback from any given Layaway Agreement.


Shipping / Delivery:
Sharp Things OKC will only ship Layaway item(s) once Layaway Agreement has been completed to the satisfaction of Layaway Agreement terms and last installment has been paid and Layaway Agreement is complete item(s) will be shipped within 7 business days. Sharp Things OKC will strive to get the parcel(s) sent within 24 hours.

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