4 Years of Sharp Deals: Epic Anniversary Giveaway!

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Black Friday 2023 In-Store Only.

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Reaper - $25

Always feared, but often times misunderstood. The Sharp Things Reaper is simply playing his role in this crazy life. In the famous words of the Blue Oyster Cult, “Don’t Fear the Reaper.”

ONI - $50

Inspired by ancient tales of supernatural creatures and forgotten times, The Sharp Things ONI embodies a fusion of myth and legacy, invoking a clear stance of strength and purpose.

Classic - $100

Steeped in tradition and classic Americana art, the Sharp Things dagger tattoo is a representative of timeless art and handmade craftsmanship.


Reaper - 500 Points

Always feared, but often times misunderstood. The Sharp Things Reaper is simply playing his role in this crazy life. In the famous words of the Blue Oyster Cult, “Don’t Fear the Reaper.”

ONI - 1,000 Points

Inspired by ancient tales of supernatural creatures and forgotten times, The Sharp Things ONI embodies a fusion of myth and legacy, invoking a clear stance of strength and purpose.

Classic - 2,000 Points

Steeped in tradition and classic Americana art, the Sharp Things dagger tattoo is a representative of timeless art and handmade craftsmanship.

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